Sometimes I work on stuff! My major projects are hosted on the The Layer 8 website, and the rest is pretty much contained to my GitHub profile. But if I’m working on anything remotely noteworthy I’ll post it here, I guess.


It’s a Ruby wrapper for youtube-dl. That’s pretty much it. It’s branded under Layer 8, but whatev.


This is a project to output everything, like interchanging ls and cat. The current version is written in Ruby and very PoC, and will probably be written in something more portable like Go whenever I feel like not being lazy.


Boilerplate to get started developing a web application with Rack and Guard. Initializr wasn’t enough. Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, etc is too much. Yeoman is just over-engineered. So I built on top of asdf and made this.


Well, webdev-with-rack was nice, but doing git clone all the time was stupid. So I made this! It’s pretty much totally useless because it just does git clone --depth=1 --branch=master.


A shitty template for making books with Jekyll. It’s so shitty I didn’t even make a README for it. But hey, you can use git-import for this!


I made a game engine! Well, I really haven’t yet. Right now it’s just an extention for rot.js. It’s also written in CoffeeScript! So that’s cool, I guess. Oh wait, CoffeeScript is dead or dying.


It’s a Vine parody/reimplementation/whatever you want to call it that I attempted to make in a weekend. It really sucks and it’s probably broken.

Cube Benchmark

Benchmark WebGL performance.