About Justing

About the person

Justing is an interesting creature. He fulfills every typical nerd stereotype in that he lives in his parent’s basement, consumes way too much caffeine (mostly consisting of Mountain Dew), and sits on the computer all day messing around with bits of code. He also likes to talk about himself in third person on his ‘about’ pages.


Yep! Justing is an avid Rubyist, but he also can churn out JavaScript, CoffeeScript, PHP, Python, and sometimes C. But one thing he likes more than writing code is sharing code! You should totes check out his GitHub.

But what has he done?

Glad you asked! Justing has done a bunch of stuff.

I suddenly feel the need to throw all of my money at this guy!

No, don’t do that. Stop. Justing isn’t that special. But I mean if you really really want to… here’s my Amazon wishlist! I guess you can send money…. if you want…….

About the blag

Now, the interesting part: Jekyll site hosted on GitHub with custom skin. Search is client-side lunr.js. Octopress running under the hood.

Some assets are provided by W3 Creative Lab.